What Special Investigations are Done When a Problem Is Suspected with the Pancreas?



What is Pancreas?

The pancreas is about 6 inches long and located in the abdomen, behind the stomach. The head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to the duodenum through a small tube called the pancreatic duct. The narrow end of the pancreas, called the tail, extends to the left side of the body. Learn more..

Pancreas Function:

Pancreas plays an important role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells. The pancreas has two main functions: an exocrine function that helps in digestion and an endocrine function that regulates blood sugar. Learn more..

What Special Investigations are Done When a Problem Is Suspected with the Pancreas?

You may need to do some tests to find out more about your particular problem. Perhaps you’ve already undergone one or more of them.

You may be advised to have certain blood tests like complete blood count, blood urea, creatinine, liver function tests (bilirubin, liver enzymes like SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline phosphatase, gamma GT, albumin), amylase, lipase, calcium, and parathormone. In case of acute pancreatic problems you will be advised to get admitted and all these tests will then be done in-house.

Similarly diagnosis of pancreatic problems requires radiological imaging studies of abdomen like Ultrasonography, CT scan, MRI or further interventions like gastrointestinal endoscopy, ERCP, PTHC or EUS. It quite often so happens that patient is advised these investigations in a sequential manner and not at one go. This does take time but considering the cost of these investigations it is always better to ask for the next investigation only if it is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately in a small group of patients one cannot reach a diagnosis in spite of all this effort.

Note: Your doctor may recommend other tests, depending on your particular situation.

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