How Pancreatic Cancer Diagnose Or Confirmed?

How Pancreatic Cancer Diagnose Or Confirmed?

A patient with symptoms & signs of a pancreatic tumor may be 1st seen by family physician, internist, and general surgeon or directly by gastroenterologist. Specialist pancreatic surgeon is usually the last ring in the chain unfortunately and hence patients quite often come with a stent in the biliary system,...Read more

What Is Pancreas?

The Pancreas and Its Functions The pancreas is a solid gland attached in the back of the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. The pancreas is divided into 5 parts – the head, the uncinate process, the neck, the body and the tail. The head of the gland is closely attached...Read more

Chronic Pancreatitis

This is a patient information booklet detailing practical information about pancreas in general & specific information about chronic pancreatitis. Its aim is to provide the patient & his or her family with useful information on this particular pancreatic problem, the procedures and tests you may need to undergo, various treatment...Read more