Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery for Gallstones

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery for Gallstones

What Is Laparoscopy? Laparoscopy, or “keyhole” surgery, enables the surgeon to inspect the inside of the abdomen, without having to make a large cut. A laparoscope is a long, narrow telescope attached to a small video camera and a light. It provides a view of the inside of the abdomen...Read more
Pancreatic Cancer Case Study

Pancreatic Cancer Case Study

Portal vein resection during curative resection of pancreatic cancer 52-year old male patient presented with acute onset jaundice. He was a known case of with chronic calcific pancreatitis secondary to alcohol since 6 months with his gastroenterologist. He had steatorrhea and diabetes due to CP. He was on pancreatic enzyme...Read more
What is Acute Pancreatitis?

What is Acute Pancreatitis?

Acute Pancreatitis: This is an inflammation & swelling of the pancreas which develops very suddenly and, in the majority of patients (about 75%) improves steadily with good in hospital treatment over the course of a week or so. Yes, It Requires a Certain Hospitalisation A blood sample usually shows the...Read more
How Pancreatic Cancer Diagnose Or Confirmed?

How Pancreatic Cancer Diagnose Or Confirmed?

A patient with symptoms & signs of a pancreatic tumor may be 1st seen by family physician, internist, and general surgeon or directly by gastroenterologist. Specialist pancreatic surgeon is usually the last ring in the chain unfortunately and hence patients quite often come with a stent in the biliary system,...Read more
Chronic Pancreatitis : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Chronic Pancreatitis : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Chronic Pancreatitis: This refers to a continuous ongoing low-grade inflammation of the pancreas. Because of the continuous inflammation, scar tissue develops within the pancreas. At first this may result in loss of part of the enzyme producing part of the pancreas. After a variable period of time (which could be...Read more