Stomach Cancer Surgery Cost in Mumbai, India

Gastrectomy for Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer Surgery Cost – Depending on the form of treatment and many other factors, The estimate of Gastrectomy for Stomach Cancer in, Mumbai, India varies from INR INR 4,00,000/- To INR 10,00,000/-

Points To Be Noted:

  1. ESTIMATE of surgical procedure mentioned is only an approximate one and NOT A FIX PACKAGE. It aims to give a ROUGH IDEA of the cost of surgery.
  2. Estimate of a particular surgical procedure DEPENDS ON MULTIPLE FACTORS like class of accommodation, type of disease, exact nature of surgery, underlying patient condition, comorbid factors, need for special equipment / drugs / ICU care etcetera. Hence the best estimate can be given only after examining the patient and after going through all the reports.
  3. Estimate given here presumes that the patient has a stay of standard expected number of days for that procedure, does not have comorbid conditions that increase stay / merit ICU monitoring / need specialized investigations & care, does not have a complex disease that requires longer complex surgery / alteration in the standard surgical plan / longer ICU stay / special equipment / drugs / blood components etcetera and has a smooth recovery without any complications and timely discharge. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM ABOVE CRITERIA RESULTS IN ESCALATION OF TREATMENT EXPENSES.
  4. Estimate of surgical procedure includes bed charge, OT charge, anesthesia charge, anesthetist charge, operating team (surgeon & assistant) charge, standard ICU stay when expected, standard investigations in the postoperative in-hospital stay, standard disposables / consumables / drugs / material / equipment etcetera. IT EXCLUDES PREOPERATIVE INVESTIGATIONS & TREATMENT, MANAGEMENT OF INTRA / POSTOPERATIVE UNTOWARD EVENTS / COMPLICATIONS, POST-DISCHARGE EXPENSES, SURCHARGE LEVIED BY SOME HOSPITALS ON FOREIGN NATIONAL PATIENTS ETCETERA.
  5. GASTROINTESTINAL & HEPATOPANCRETOBILIARY SURGERIES HAVE MORBIDITY RATES VARYING FROM 0.5 TO 30 PERCENT depending on the surgery, patient condition and the underlying disease. The morbidity is least for a procedure like cholecystectomy and is more for procedure like liver / pancreatic resection. Fortunately majority of these are minor complications and risk of major complications is less than 5 percent in standard cases.
  6. The estimates are only applicable when surgery is performed by Dr. D.R.Kulkarni & at the hospitals he is affiliated to.
  7. THE FOLLOWING ESTIMATES ARE IN INDIAN RUPEES & ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN FUTURE (INR 68 approx. = USD 1; however conversion rates fluctuate).


Gastrectomy for Stomach Cancer

Class of Accommodation GENERAL:

INR 4,00,000/-


INR 6,00,000/-

Class of accommodation BASIC SINGLE OCCUPANCY:

INR 10,00,000/-

Looking for Stomach Cancer Treatment In Mumbai, India?

Contact Dr. D.R. Kulkarni – Best Stomach Cancer Doctor in Mumbai. Providing best treatment for stomach cancer in India with latest technology.

CDS (Center for Digestive Surgery) is established in 2019 by Dr.D.R.Kulkarni, an eminent Gastrointestinal & Hepatopancreatobiliary surgeon from Mumbai, India. It is run by Dr.Kulkarni and his team of surgeons.

For appointment contact on: +91 9821046391 | visit:

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